More Information
Shabbat services are held weekly throughout the year. Shabbat Morning services are Saturday, beginning at 9:30 am. Our sanctuary is in the former "pastoral counseling room" at Temple Beth El, located on the ground floor near the elevator. Erev Shabbat Services are held every Friday with Temple Beth Am and Temple Beth El in the TBE chapel at 6:00pm. Men and women participate fully in our services, and visitors are always welcome!
See the monthly calendar on our Home page for specific times and dates.
By arrangement with our sister congregations, children of BHBI families may attend the religious school program of any conservative synagogue in the Rochester area. Congregation BHBI will subsidize a portion of this school tuition, with families being billed for the remainder. The Congregation also will provide a small subsidy to students attending the Hillel day school. Children are expected to complete at least five years of an approved religious school program in order to become a bar/bat mitzvah at BHBI.
Shabbat Kiddushim are held weekly, with a special kiddish luncheon once a month. Contact the shul office if you wish to sponsor a Shabbat kiddush in honor of a special occasion.
The Congregation also holds dinners throughout the year in celebration of various Holidays. All members and friends are invited to share in a delicious meal, for a modest charge.
Highlights of the year include our annual Chanukah party and Shavuot dinner.
BHBI welcomes new members of all ages and stages of life! Membership dues are set for families, singles, and associates. Reduced dues can be arranged in situations of financial need. Come by and experience the warmth of our services, and see what BHBI has to offer you! Anyone interested in joining our Congregation should please contact the chair of our membership committee, Steve Teitel, at or at 473-5741, or any of our Congregational Officers.
BHBI owns large sections in both the Britton Road and the Stone Road Cemeteries. Plots are available for purchase by congregation members and non-members at a very reasonable cost. We also have plots available in Mount Hope Cemetery.
All donations, of whatever size, are gratefully appreciated and acknowledged in the monthly Bulletin. The congregation has a variety of funds to which contributions may be designated in honor of individuals or special occasions. These include the:
General Operating Fund
Kiddush Fund
Library Fund
Torah Fund
Rabbi Aaron Solomon Scholarship Fund
Our Youth Fund
Special Events Fund
Sam Malina Memorial Fund
The above funds help to contribute towards the general financial needs of the Congregation.